Porn addiction symptoms : signs, causes, and treatment

Porn addiction symptoms are well-known among boys and girls of all ages. This pornography is one of the causes of social degradation.

Currently, the word pornography is well-known among boys and girls of all ages. This pornography is one of the causes of social degradation.

Significantly, the young society is suffering from this disease called pornography, and their addiction to watching porn is causing them to suffer from various physical and mental disorders.

As a result, the young society is moving towards destruction. Also, apart from the young age, young children and older adults are getting addicted to pornography.

Today, I am going to tell you about this pornography addiction and treatment so that those who are addicted to pornography can quickly get rid of this addiction and live a beautiful, tidy life.

What is porn addiction?

Pornography is the portrayal or sequence of events of sexual content intended to induce sexual arousal.

To put it more simply – pornography is pornography that openly displays sex and intercourse through acting or violent images and videos.

And the intense desire and habit of watching this pornography is pornography addiction.

Porn addiction is like a drug that is addictive and causes physical, mental, and social harm like drugs.

This addiction of many people is so intense that they have to look at work in between. Pornography involves the use of indecent gestures and, speech and images of sexual behavior to create sexual arousal.

As a result, porn addicts temporarily increase their sexual desire, which is an indication of a dark future.

Many physical ailments, including masturbation, are encountered through pornography. As a result, the porn addict becomes increasingly deranged, under the influence of which he engages in various immoral activities.

Why are people addicted to pornography?

Our body has a hormone called dopamine. When a person watches pornography, the dopamine hormone is released in large quantities in his brain.

Dopamine is a hormone in our body that keeps us laughing and happy by forgetting our pain and crying. So when one watches porn, he forgets all his troubles.

Addiction to pornography due to the dopamine hormone’s pleasurable effects creates a habit in the brain that makes the person want to watch porn again later on.

Simply put, dopamine creates sexual satisfaction and stimulation in the brain. Also, the serotonin hormone helps us feel good, perpetuating this habit in neurons. This is precisely how we become addicted to pornography.

At first, many people started watching porn as usual. But the above process becomes a terrible habit if seen regularly.

It should be noted that excessive release of dopamine hormone causes severe damage to various organs of the body, including our brain. This results in depression, lethargy, fatigue, memory loss, decreased sex attraction, and reduced daily performance and sexual ability.

At one stage, the porn addict becomes disinterested in the partner, resulting in a relationship breakdown.

​Causes of Porn Addiction:

There are many reasons for porn addiction. Due to this, anyone can become addicted to it in a very short time. Let’s see some reasons-

  • The practice of not practicing religious education.
  • Accessibility of the Internet: In this age of the Internet, the entire world is now at one’s fingertips. One can download porn videos, audio, and still images from any porn site.
  • Loneliness: Family members, especially children, suffer from loneliness due to lack of time from parents. When they get involved in various immoral activities, including pornography, husbands and wives themselves do not make time for themselves.
  • Influence of the surrounding antisocial environment.
  • personality type
  • Lack of healthy – average entertainment.
  • stress
  • Peer influence.
  • Torture, beating from a young age.
  • A dishonest company is to blame.
  • Lack of mutual understanding with family members.
  • drug addiction

Also, there could be numerous other reasons behind your child’s or your pornography addiction.

Treatment of porn addiction:

Porn addiction is a social disorder. Currently, about 70% of young boys and girls are addicted to pornography. It is not at all desirable that the entire youth should become addicted to pornography.

We have to come out of pornography addiction through different awareness. So let’s see what can be done to get rid of pornography addiction quickly –

  • Resolutely say no to pornography in the beginning.
  • Read good books.
  • Keep yourself busy.
  • Don’t think of pornography quickly.
  • Practice religiously.
  • Avoid being alone.
  • Spend time with family members. In this case, parents should also give time to their children.
  • Don’t feel inferior because you are addicted to pornography.
  • Leave unrighteous company. In this case, the rest of the family should also keep an eye on who the person with an addiction is associating with.
  • Don’t sleep alone or stay in secluded, quiet areas. It can instantly make you want to watch porn.
  • Stay away from the device.
  • Be careful when using the Internet.
  • Engage in social activities as needed.
  • Block various porn websites.
  • Delete any porn-related audio, video, or images on your device.
  • Be determined yourself.

Also, if you want, seek advice from different organizations or experts in porn addiction recovery. Reputable experts are providing counseling in various institutes to cure pornography addiction in Bangladesh.

Among them is the well-known mental hospital of Bangladesh, “Omega Point”, which provides treatment for drug addicts and people with a mental health conditions. You can consult with the duty specialists of this hospital if necessary.

Many professional psychiatrists, clinical psychiatrists, medical officers, counselors, and nurses on duty try their best to treat a patient psychologically. Meanwhile, many have recovered from their mental problems through counseling or treatment here.

Also, drug addicts are treated here. You can also contact us here for pornography addiction treatment if you want.


As a result of pornography addiction, any porn addict faces extreme harm. Pornography addiction is one of the causes of all kinds of degradation in society. As a result of this pornography addiction, many people are losing their senses. As a result, the community is filled with various types of adultery, including Eve, teasing, and rape.

A porn addict withdraws from society. Because he suffers from many mental problems. As a result, he lost a variety of productive work skills, including memory loss.

From physical problems, pornography addicts have to face mental, social, and economic issues. So, we have to rid our society of pornography addiction by any means possible. And to ensure a beautiful, healthy community. We can make it possible if we want. That’s why we need to learn a lot about pornography addiction and treatment.

Omega Point is one of the best rehabilitation center in Dhaka, Bangladesh who specialize on different faces of rehabilitation & drug